| Dissertação de Mestrado
Escórias de aciaria e resíduos de concretos refratários em componentes de pavimentação
Eduardo Bezerra de Oliveira e Souza
This research intended to evaluate the utilization feasibility of waste materials or residues generated in the steelmaking process in substitution to regular resources to produce paving material for industrial and non industrial pavements in accordance with Brazilian StandardABNT NBR 9781:1987. For the purpose of developing this research work the following waste materials were chosen: volumetric stable BOF steelmaking slag, BF hot metal runner refractory concrete, TorpedoCar refractory concrete and RH Degassing refractory concrete. The Chemical composition, the granulometry, the density, the mineralogical composition, as well as leaching and solubility tests were carried out for each individually waste. Several different mixtures of those waste materials were made in laboratory scale to verify the achievement of the minimum compression tensile strength specified in the standard, i.e., >= 35 MPa for commercial vehicles and >= 50 MPa for special vehicles and heavy abrasion effects. After reaching good results in the laboratory tests, the production of the interlocking paving pieces in an industrial scale was decided. Dimensional inspection in both laboratorial and industrial paving pieces showed results in accordance with the above mentioned Brazilian Standard. Although not being a Standard requirement, water absorption and abrasion tests were made and also showed good results. Values >= 50 MPa were obtained for the compression tensile strength on industrially produced paving pieces. According to these results it can be concluded that these waste materials had the potential to be used as raw material in the production of interlocking paving pieces for industrial and non industrial pavements.