Carta de serviços: um estudo de caso de sua aplicação na Polícia Rodoviária Federal
Edimar Antônio Nunes Júnior
The public sector around the world undergoes increasingly accelerated transformations, which were once more common to the private sector. Areas of knowledge such as marketing and theories of Service-Driven Logic are now also discussed in the public sector. In this section, a management tool called the Citizen's Charter or Service Charter, created in the United Kingdom at the height of New Public Management, may contain great relationship and ideals affinity with the theory cited. In view of this and contemplating the reality of the brazilian administration, this study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the Service Charter in a brazilian public organization of national scope, the Polícia Rodoviária Federal, and its alignment with the Public Service-dominant Approach, of an exploratory study of qualitative nature and based on the single case study methodology incorporated. Methods of data collection included documentary and bibliographical surveys, questionary and participant observation, and methodological triangulation was used for data analysis. The results of the research indicated that there is a theoretical alignment between the Service Charter and the Public Service-dominant Approach. In addition, the implementation of the tool in a public organization can contribute to the improvement of the quality of the public services provided.