Dissertação de Mestrado
Comparação da incidência de pés planos e joelhos valgos em crianças eutróficas e obesas da rede pública de ensino de Barbacena, MG
Juliano Pinheiro Lopes
Study: transversal line to characterize anthropometry and to evaluate the frequency of postural alterations of the type knee valgo and plain foot in children of 6 the 9 years of age, registered in urban public schools, the cities of Barbacena, Minas Gerais. Study with forecast of 2 years, comparing the result of the obese children with non-obese. Sample: the eligible children for the study constitute a universe of 5602 pertaining to school and were constituted of registered children, in the introductory phase until the third series, in 42 public schools of Barbacena. Forcalculation of simple random sample, they had been considered: prevalence of factor of more common risk (obesity) of 15%, valgos associate to the prevalences of plain feet and knees (5% and 4% respectively), precision of estimate of 3% and alpha error of 5%. Thus, 744 children had been evaluated. Methods: After the random drawing of the groups, initiated it evaluation for the anthropometry with measures of weight and height for determination of the IMC (Index of Corporal Mass); The postural evaluation counted on digital photograph aid, with the pupils in bilateral profile, posterior and previous, analyzed later in the computer with the aid of the program Corel Draw 10 In the valgos knees, the distances had been observed intermaleolares, and calculated angle Q, for determination of the pupils with alterations of valgismo of the knee.The evaluation of the plain feet was carried through through its impression in the pedígrafo and later, carried through the calculation of the index of Schipaux-Smirak for the determination of these alterations. Results: 708 children had been evaluated, being 331 (46,8%) of masculine sex and 377 (53,2%) of the feminine one. Of these, 548 (77.4%) had presented below IMC/normal, 120 pertaining to school had presented IMC with established values as overweight (17%) and 25 had presented IMC equal or superior to the point of cut for the obesity, having characterized a prevalence of 5,7%. The average age of the 7,7 children was of ± 1,0 being new with 6 years and oldest with 9 years. IMC the medium was of 17,0 ± 2,9 with the lowest in 12,4 and highest 26,2. The statistical analyses had been carried through by Stata software through the tests of qui-square, accurate of Fischer, Kruskal-Wallis the datahad been analyzed statistical, with level of significance of p< 0,05. Significant difference was verified enters the groups in the 0 variable: plain feet and age. Conclusion: The infantile obesity must be fought to prevent future complications, also orthopedics. It is not known to thecertainty when the formation of the arc plantar happens, but the obesity when it does not favor the degradation of this arc, delays its development, harming practises it of physical activity, increasing the possibilities of the weight profit.