dc.contributorRenato Pinto Venancio
dc.contributorRicardo Luiz Carneiro
dc.contributorIvana Denise Parrela
dc.contributorWelder Antonio Silva
dc.contributorAna Celeste Indolfo
dc.creatorSheila Margareth Teixeira Adao
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to analyze the 1st National Conference on Archives (CNARQ) such event was an outcome of the mobilization of the Brazilian archival community and some sectors of society, motivated by the transference of the National Archive to the Ministry of Justice, in 2011 as one of the steps in the process of elaboration of a national policy for Brazilian archives. The research was guided by the following question: Why has the national policy for archives which had the conference as one of its main updating scenarios - not progressed? In light of such question, it was aimed to analyze the reasons why the national policy for archives has not advanced in the process of public policies as well as the following specific objectives were considered: 1) locate the process of development of a national policy for archives in the cycle of public policies; 2) map the juridical apparatus that shows the public interest in Brazilian archives; 3) identify the public policy implemented by the National Archive, CONARQ and the archival actors for elaboration of laws and public policies enhancing the field development; 4) analyze the 1st CNARQ as a phase of the cycle of public policies and as a mechanism of social participation in the development of such policy. The determinants of effectiveness of the national conferences were used to assess the effectiveness of the 1st CNARQ and its impact on the elaboration of a national policy for archives. The methodology of this qualitative investigation encompassed bibliographic and documental research besides data gathering among individuals. The results evidenced that the archival policies have as background a society with little experience in demanding and monitoring the government actions and that its actors are mostly apart from the process of public policies management. Furthermore, it was noted that the event was not called for in accordance with the government political will and did not privilege the participation of members of society, although it held a format that favored the engagement of participants. These issues altogether had a negative impact on the effectiveness of the conference, creating conditions for the priority proposals approved there the review of the Law of Archives and the decree number 4,073 besides the design of an action plan for public and private archives - not to meet adequate conditions for their materialization and further incorporation by the government. Moreover, the difficulties of the National Council of Archives (CONARQ) in establishing a national policy for archives alongside the downturn in demands and mobilization of the archival actors after the conference represent serious constraints in the development of a national policy for Brazilian archives
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPolítica nacional de arquivos
dc.subjectPolíticas públicas
dc.subjectParticipação social
dc.title1ª CNARQ: a Conferência Nacional de Arquivos e a construção de uma política nacional para os arquivos brasileiros
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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