Monografias de Especialização
Proposta de intervenção para a redução dos níveis pressóricos alterados em pacientes no PSF Florença II do Município Ribeirão das Neves, Minas Gerais
Kenia Lopez Garcia
Systemic hypertension is considered one of the major modifiable risk factors, is an important public health problem, being most of your course and chronic asymptomatic, its diagnosis and treatment is often overlooked. This study aimed to develop an Intervention Plan p ara reduce the high number of uncontrolled hypertensive patients PSF in Florence II in Ribeirão das Neves city. For this work we designed a contingency plan consisted of three stages: the situation analysis in health, literature review, and the preparation of the action plan. Was prioritized the problem of hypertension by the Florence II team and prepared an action plan in order to minimize the problem in the area, using a method of Situational Strategic Planning (PES). Were considered as "Node C s ríticos" by the team the following problems: inadequate life habits, insufficient knowledge of the patients about the disease, health tions insufficient to prevent its appearance. The three operations proposed to face the "In the Critics" were: Modify lifestyle, promote awareness of the population about the disease, increase health actions and to avoid the appearance of the disease. Justify the choice of this work that intends to develop an intervention proposal for the ESF "Florence II" with resolving and relevant actions to reduce or control the disease, with it expected a more effective follow-up of patients with hypertension.