dc.contributorJorge Gustavo Velasquez Melendez
dc.contributorAdriano Akira Ferreira Hino
dc.contributorMaria del Carmen Bisi Molina
dc.contributorDeborah Carvalho Malta
dc.contributorMery Natali Silva Abreu
dc.creatorCrizian Saar Gomes
dc.description.abstractThere are increasing evidences that the environment in which people live is an importantdeterminant of obesogenic behaviors. The aim of this study is to analyze contextual factorsassociated with the unhealthy eating habits and sedentary behavior of the adult population ofBelo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. This is a cross-sectional study using data from the SurveillanceSystem for Risk Factors and Protection for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Inquiry (Vigitel)conducted in the years 2008 to 2010, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Theunhealthy eating habits were evaluated from an unhealthy eating score based on theconsumption of meat with excess fat, soda and red meat, and, the non - consumption of fruitsand vegetables. Sedentary behavior was considered when the individual reported habit ofwatching television four or more hours per day. Georeferenced information of physical(public and private places for physical activity, density of food-retail establishments,population density, and residential density) and social environment (homicide rate, total meanincome and health vulnerability index) of the covered area of the basic health units(CABHUs) were inserted in the base Vigitel. Sociodemographic, lifestyle and healthvariables were used as adjustment. For analysis of the data, the technique of scan scanningand multilevel logistic regression were used. A total of 5,783 individuals were studied. Thespatial analysis identified a significant cluster of high prevalence of sedentary behavior andunhealthy eating habits in Belo Horizonte, even after adjusting for sociodemographiccharacteristics. When comparing the areas inside and outside the clusters, we observedsignificant differences in the physical and social environment. It was observed that to live inCABHUs with high health vulnerability index and low income increase the unhealthy eatinghabits. Regarding sedentary behavior, it was verified that the high homicide rate increases thechance of the individual presenting sedentary behavior. These associations remainedsignificant after adjustment for individual characteristics. The evidence found in this studyshowed that the social environment may influence individuals to engage in unhealthybehaviors and should be incorporated into future interventions and strategies for healthpromotion and reduction of obesity.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAnálise Espacial
dc.subjectAnálise Multinível
dc.subjectMeio Ambiente E Saúde
dc.subjectConsumo Alimentar
dc.subjectComportamento Sedentário
dc.titleFatores contextuais associados ao hábito alimentar não saudável e o comportamento sedentário
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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