Monografias de Especialização
Saúde bucal do idoso: estratégias de manutenção preventiva e corretiva odontológica
Gleicilaine Rodrigues Goncalves
To understand the buccal health better, specifically destined to the deontological corrective action and the actions health aged as well as the preventive maintenance was the objective of this monographic work. Males that they affect buccal health, and particularly the buccal health of the aged one derives decisively from determinative, cultural, ambient, mannering and organizational socioeconômicos, that define the type, the levels and the gravity of the buccal illnesses, that is, the respective standard epidemiologist. In this context, the paradigm of the promotion of health, identified for the Only System of Health and the Strategy of Health of the Family, inspires the concrete force of its rules in the desirable reorganization of the health system and, consequently, the evolution for assistenciais models that are more resolutive, comprehensive, preventive and equitable. One also searched to observe and to consider action for the improvement of the work of the Teams of Buccal Health in relation to the endentulismo, prótese badly suitable and the precarious buccal hygiene of the aged users of the Strategy Health of the Family. A bibliographical revision of related international and national articles on the buccal health of the aged one was carried through and was arrived it the conclusion of that the activities of prevention of the fuccal health, integrant and non-separable part of the general health of the individuals, cannot more be relegated to the complete esquecimento, pointing out the endentulismo would be a natural consequence of the buccal physiological aging. Moreover, it is important to develop the perception of the aged on how much to the illness already installed and the precision of the preventive maintenance of the case and is necessary to take in account the biopsychosocials aspects to reach the success in the odontológico treatment to this etária band.