dc.contributorFabio Alves da Silva Junior
dc.contributorJose Luiz Vila Real Gonçalves
dc.contributorCelia Maria Magalhaes
dc.contributorHeliana Ribeiro de Mello
dc.contributorAugusto Buchweitz
dc.creatorTania Liparini Campos
dc.description.abstractThis thesis presents a study of the effect of a translation memory system and time pressure on the translation process of professional Brazilian translators based on an empirical approach of translation. Drawing on PACTE.s chains of cognitive implication (2005) and on Steiner.s demetaphorization hypothesis (2001a), the performance of 12 professional translators was analysed in terms of decision-making and (de)metaphorization processes. The use of a translation memory system and time pressure were the independent variables while the contrast between the language pairs German-Brazilian Portuguese and English-Brazilian Portuguese was a dependent variable. The text samples, language direction, subjects. experience as professional translators, and their familiarization with the translation memory system were considered controlled variables. Data were collected using the programs Translog and Camtasia. This thesis contributes to previous studies developed under the project SEGTRAD (PQ/CNPq 301270/2005-8) and the results show that the use of a translation memory system tends to standardize the translation process and optimize the orientation process, leading to a reduction in the need for online revision; furthermore, the translation memory system assists the translator to cope with time pressure. The results also show that besides the process of understanding the source text, the option of the translator to produce less ambiguous texts is also a motivation for the occurrence of (de)metaphorization processes.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectprocesso de tradução
dc.subjectpressão de tempo
dc.subjectsistemas de memória de tradução
dc.subjecttomada de decisão
dc.subjectestudos descritivos da tradução
dc.subjecttradutores profissionais
dc.titleO efeito do uso de um sistema de memória de tradução e da pressão de tempo no processo cognitivo de tradutores profissionais
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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