Monografia (especialização)
Modelo simplificado de governança de TI para a administração pública
Willy Patrick de Freitas Torriani
This work presents a simplified model of IT governance focused on Public Administration, based on best practices and in compliance with applicable legislation. It also proposes a project approach for its implementation, considering the context of the bodiesand entitiesof the Public Administration. The motivation for proposing a simplified model stems from the high degree of complexity related to the implementation of IT Governance and the low level of maturity of many Public Administration bodies, especially small and medium-sized ones. The main references that supported the proposal of the model were: ISO/IEC standards 38,500 and 27,001; the Cobit 5; the “Guia de Governança do SISP”; o “Perfil de Governança de TI do TCU”; and the book “Implantando a Governança de TI – Da Estratégia à Gestão de Processos – Aguinaldo Aragon Fernandes, Vladimir Ferrazde Abreu”,one of the main referencesin this area. As a result, it is expected that the proposed model and the approach to its implementation will make IT Governance accessible to bodies with low maturity levels, contributing to the improvementof IT Governance in PublicAdministration.