Monografia (especialização)
Eficácia da educação da dor em pacientes com lombalgia crônica
Ana Paula Silveira Mendes
Introduction: Pain education is not a specific set of procedures and techniques, it refers to a type of educational intervention, generated from the understanding of a new concept that teaches patients the neurobiological and neurophysiological processes involved in pain experiences rather than focusing exclusively on the injured pathology or structure.
Objective: To conduct a review of the literature to investigate the efficacy of education in neuroscience of pain in reducing pain and disability in individuals with chronic low back pain.
Methods: Searches performed in the Physiotehrapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and Pubmed in the period between June and August of 2018. The main outcomes were pain and disability.
Results: Five of the six studies selected demonstrate that education in pain neurophysiology is beneficial and reduces pain and disability rates of patients with chronic low back pain.
Conclusion: Evidence suggests that education in pain neurophysiology is an effective tool for patient education with chronic low back pain.