dc.contributorFrancisco Carlos Rodrigues
dc.contributorRodrigo Barreto Caldas
dc.contributorAna Lydia Reis de Castro e Silva
dc.contributorErnani Carlos de Araujo
dc.creatorJoseph Stephane Datchoua
dc.description.abstractThis research has the purpose of proposing a theoretical-experimental study of the Oriented Strand Board (OSB) connection behavior with frame steel studs of the Light Steel Framing (LSF) construction system. The LSF basically consists of the steel frame composed of C studs cold-formed profiles and galvanized, forming a self-supporting system. This steel frame can have gypsum board, OSB or cimentitious board as sheathing material, the first only serving as an internal sheathing while the others, besides sheathing, have a considerable mechanical resistance that can make them part of the structural system as a whole. For this, 60 specimens were tested to determine the shear stress () and the transverse elasticity modulus (G) of these OSB, 80 specimens were tested to determine its tensile strength and its longitudinal modulus of elasticity (E) and 71 specimens were tested to analyze the behavior of the connection between these and the steel frame, using self-drilling and self-tapping screws. With the test of the 60 specimens, by applying a inclined resultant shear load with a controlled normal load, it was observed that the average values of and G was directly influenced by the axis of extraction of the specimens of the main OSB board, by the axis of application of the resulting shear load and by the dimensions of the shear section of the specimen. With the 80 specimens, through the three-point bending test, it was observed that the Sb and E average value was directly influenced by the extraction axis of the specimens of the main OSB board, by the thickness and the arrangement of the specimen for the test. By testing the 71 specimens, through the method known as Push-Test, or simply, load-displacement test, it was observed that, in the connection, the average values of maximum load (Pmax), stiffness (ke), dissipated energy (A) and ductility () are directly influenced by the loading mode, the thickness of the OSB and the axial spacing between the screws along the C stud. In the present research, the tests were performed varying also the thickness of the steel profiles with the position of the C stud in the subsystem. The results obtained in this research will serve as a basis for the performance of parametric analyzes aiming at the proposition of analytical solutions for the quantification of the contribution of the OSB in the stabilization of the LSF structural system, with or without the use of steel bracing. With the development of the bracing subsystem with the use of the OSB for the LSF system, besides signifying a technological innovation for the civil construction, makes possible to obtain buildings with low cost, while maintaining the quality, durability and stability required by applicable Brazilian standards. And also meeting the sustainability criteria of metal construction
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTiras de madeira orientadas (OSB)
dc.subjectMódulo de elasticidade longitudinal
dc.subjectMódulo de elasticidade transversal
dc.titleEstudo teórico-experimental do comportamento da ligação de painéis de OSB com perfis do reticulado metálico do sistema construtivo Light Steel Framing
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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