dc.contributorLuiz Alberto Oliveira Goncalves
dc.contributorRogerio Correia da Silva
dc.contributorSuzana dos Santos Gomes
dc.contributorRosania Rodrigues de Sousa
dc.contributorRonilson de Souza Luiz
dc.creatorHélio Hiroshi Hamada
dc.description.abstractThis research is the analysis of teaching practice at Soldiers Training School (Escola de Formação de Soldados - EFSd), aiming the Course of Technology in Ostensive Police Activities (Curso Superior Tecnológico em Atividades de Polícia Ostensiva - CSTAPO/14) to explore the role of teachers in the training of military police. The focus of the study is the dimensions that bring impact on teaching practice at educational environment of the Military Police of Minas Gerais. In this sense, we analyzed the participation of the teacher in the implementation of didacticism, their strategies in the classroom and their interactive relationship with the student. The curriculum and the school environment formed the object of research. As data collect procedure, we used the techniques of observation, interviews and document analysis, within the context of EFSd, running in different situations involving eight groups of CSTAPO / 14 and their teachers and students, as well as the school administration members. The results from the analysis and interpretation of collected data brought a rich exhibition of contexts, dynamics and activities in the course of teaching practice in the studied environment.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPrática docente
dc.subjectSegurança pública
dc.subjectEnsino profissional
dc.titleUm olhar além dos quadros: o que fazem os professores no ensino profissional de segurança pública
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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