dc.contributorMarcio Augusto Goncalves
dc.creatorJesse Alves Amancio
dc.description.abstractIn this work, deals with the subject of the evaluation of the effectiveness of information systems and looked for identify, through a case study, how the use of an information system was related with the performance of his users. So, a CRM system used by salespeople of a cargo transportation service company was studied in three of its more important offices inBrazil in the period from October 2003 through August 2004. Quantitative data to evaluate the relationship between the use of each function of the system by the salespeople and the performance was gathered by magnetic files produced by the system logon procedure. Salespersons demographic data was collected in the companys Human Resourcedepartment. To understand the relationship between these data it was elaborated a linear multiple regression model, through the examination of its coefficients was possible to know the participation of each used system function, with the salespersons personal characteristics,in the performance (sales value). As results, any significant relationship was not found between the use of the system and the salespersons performance. This result shows that others factors - beyond the system use was predominant to explain this peoples performance, considering sales value. Findings confirmed by semi-structured interviews made with people involved in the companys sales sector.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSistemas de informações
dc.subjectFatores de sucesso
dc.subjectEficácia operacional
dc.subjectTecnologia da informação
dc.subjectAvaliação de desempenho
dc.titleAvaliação da eficácia de sistemas de informações: um estudo de caso no setor de serviços
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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