dc.contributorMaria Rizoneide Negreiros de Araujo
dc.contributorLia Silva de Castilho
dc.creatorGilsimary Santana Santos
dc.description.abstractThe elderly peoples oral health repeats the features showed in oral health inquiries made in Brazil in 2003 and 2010 which the numbers of edentulousness and periodontal disease have been increased. These conditions indicate the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of oral health politics in the past which elderlies and adults were excluded. The present study aims to propose an intervention plan in order to improve elderlys oral condition for those are inserted into the area of Health Family Strategy Team Renascer in Diamantina. A literature review concerned elderlys oral health was proposed and the search for articles was done through key words. The authors pointed out concern over elderlys oral health and the importance of programmes to enhance the quality of life of this population. An intervention plan was made based on model proposed by Campos; Faria; Santos (2010). The main problems and their causes, which affect the population, were identified and an intervention model was established. The expectations are decreasing oral infections, promoting health, and solving the problem related to access for elderly population of Health Family Strategy Renascer.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAssistência Odontológica ao Idoso
dc.subjectSaúde Bucal
dc.subjectSaúde Bucal de Idosos
dc.titleProposta de um plano de intervenção para melhorar a condição bucal de idosos
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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