Artigo de Periódico
Riscos de contaminação por glúten em um restaurante universitário com preparações para indivíduos celíacos: um estudo de caso
Júlia Pessoa Magalhães
Marina da Silva Oliveira
Marlene Azevedo Magalhães Monteiro
Marco Antônio Schaefer
Maria Aparecida Vieira Teixeira Garcia
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the risks of
cross-contamination of gluten in a university restaurant with
preparations for celiac individuals.
Methods: This is an observational descriptive study carried out between the months of September and November
2014 in a university restaurant in the city of Belo HorizonteMG, Brazil. A checklist was elaborated, based on literature
related to celiac disease and on Resolution 275, issued on
October 2002, to identify the risks of cross contamination
by gluten according to the production flow adopted at the
restaurant. The analysis was performed in a qualitative
Results and Discussion: Eight critical points were identified, ranging from the reception of raw material to the meal
distribution at the restaurant’s dining hall. The two critical points identified in the checklist as susceptible to change
were in the warehouse. The remaining items have no possibility of changes in the short term.
Conclusions: Despite the restaurant food handlers have
been trained previously to make preparations gluten-free, the
risk of contamination by this protein are great. In this scenario it is necessary strict control over the production line in
a restaurant that distinguishes preparations with and without
gluten or choose to make preparations in another physical
space to ensure the safety of food.