Monografias de Especialização
Ambientes de desenvolvimento de software (ADS) & Ferramentas Case: importância e aplicações
Denis Paiva Ramos
The main objective of this work is to present important concepts, their applications and importance in the development of a software such as: Software Development Environment, Software Development Process, CASE tools and others. Thus, realizing the importance of these tools to a software engineer and applications regarding new positions in the current market of software development. It is necessary to know the environments, processes and tools, as are priorities for a software engineer who wants to ensure higher quality and speed indevelopment of software, making it easy and avoid major problems in the upkeep. Targeting support and automate the process of software development is this area to target specific companies, as a guarantee of progress and update is required in this process. Thus, the use ofCASE tools and language such as UML in the process of documentation and overview of the project are indispensable. At the end of this work is cited as an example Eclipse Tool CASE tool, providing a number of plugins that contribute to the process of developing a software.An important element in the use of these tools is to understand the priority of integrating so many tools that provide support in developing a software.