Monografia (especialização)
A importância do enfermeiro obstetra no alojamento conjunto: uma questão de gestão
Pollyana Patricia Vasconcelos de Almeida Lopes
The Rooming system (AC) arose from the need for a revision of nursing practice, where assistance should prioritize jointly contemplate the mother and the child, enabling a skilled host, where the presence of a nurse practitioner is essential for quality care . Considering the recommendations of the Standard Rules for the Rooming, recommended by the Ministry of Health, this study is justified by the importance in seeking improvements and reorganization of care, where he focused on the importance of raising awareness among managers of the Maternity of the importance hiring a Nurse Midwife set in accommodation. This is a descriptive study, where he made an experience report during the post graduate nursing internship in obstetrics in Agreste Reference Maternity and Hinterland Alagoas. From the month of September 2015 the institution has promoted the hiring of obstetric nurse for rooming-in as a result of this action there was improvement in care for mothers and newborns. It is known that there is still a huge way to go to contemplation of this practice in maternity hospitals in Brazil where the main difficulty is the lack of human resources linked to lack of awareness of some managers to this real need, however you can move on care since the benefits will reduce significant indicators and modify the life of this binomial: Mom and son.