Dissertação de Mestrado
Anormalidades laboratoriais em gestantes infectadas pelo HIV e em uso de antirretrovirais
Beatriz Amelia Monteiro de Andrade
To focus on decrease HIV mother-to-child transmission,HIV-1-infected women receive antiretroviral therapy (ARV) duringpregnancy. As any medicament, these drugs can taking adverseoutcomes that vary between light to very severe ones. Thelaboratorial exams analysis is an easy way of precocious detention forsome important clinical events, as anemia, hyperglycemia or hepatictoxicity. The aim of this study was evaluate laboratory abnormalitiesin infected pregnant women receiving ARV. This prospectiveobservational study was performed from January 2000 to December2006. Two hundred of HIV infected pregnant women were enrolled,and each gestation was considered one case. None of the patientsshowed morbidity that could influencing laboratory abnormalities. Themean of women age was 28,1 years (18 41 years). Sixty threepercent of the patients had been diagnosed HIV- infected duringprenatal care. The median of gestational age that the ARV began was18,5 weeks (1 35 weeks). The Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy(HAART) was prescribed for majority women (93,5%). Anaemia wasthe most alternated value during the analysed period, with 22 caseson the first analised period and 15 cases in the other one. Eightpregnant women had elevated hepatic enzymes, and twenty threeshowed hyperglycemia; ten of them had diagnosed of gestationaldiabetes. Thirty seven patients needed medicament change, in which3% was caused by anaemia. The multivariate analyses didnt showsignificant association between laboratory abnormalities andsymptom of AIDS, class or arrangement of ARV. On this study,population was showed low rate of ARV adverse outcomes during thepregnancy, emphasizing the importance of periodic laboratoryrevision, which will indicate a possible need of medication change.