dc.contributorLuiz Alberto Oliveira Goncalves
dc.creatorNatalino Neves da Silva
dc.description.abstractThe present research sought to investigate the value of social and scholar experience in the college for black and white youths. This research was grounded by the following central question: which is the value of this experience for those subjects? In order to understand the given problem, we selected a public municipal school located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. In the institution we carried out a participant observation with students in the class-rooms, during a six-month period. The monitoring of the teaching practices intended to realize the interaction occurred between the social actores. We elected to dialog exclusively with the students of the third year of high school, that were in the proper ageyear. The dialog set with them was made through the realization of four discussion groups. In the groups, we counted on the participation of 29 students. From the talking with the black and white youths was raised the need to dialog also with their teachers. Thus, we conducted a conversation group with the participation of six teachers. Their discourses were incorporated in the work in the sense of explicating, deepening and confronting the perceptions of the research. We applied still 243 questionnaires to the students of the third year morning. The intention of using this instrument was to map the profile of the student present at the school. Therefore, with the carrying out of the research was possible to understand that the values which both black and white youths attribute to their social and scholar experience at high school are related to their social and cognitive expectative. They as submitted to respond in this sense not only to the social demands, but also conceive their individuality. The research evinced still that the most part of the youths both black and white establish a instrumental, utilitarian and meritocratic experience of high school. Nonetheless, we can perceive that this experience is also appropriated by them. That is due to the constitution of the socioaffective bounds made by the actors through scholar socialization. Those bounds consist in one of the most valued dimensions of that experience for most of them. The research revealed that is practically unanimous among the students to devalue the teaching practices adopted by school. In this sense, the devaluation of those practices appears as the main reason for which the youths devaluate their experience. In fact, the presence of new subjects in the institution has not implicated the development of pedagogical practices in order to achieve the sociocultural singularities inherent to the condition of being young. In relation to the perception of the students referent to the socioracial inequalities, we can understand that they are perceived by them in a incipient way. In this respect, we note that the ethnical-racial diversity as theme is not discussed at the school. The work appointed out still that the ethnical-racial, and gender diversity emerge from the talks of both black and white youth in a conflictive, ambiguous and contradictory way. At last, the research have shown that the comprehension of the value of social and schoolar experience of high school for black and white youths need to be better understood by the following study areas: High School, Youth and Racial Relationships.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEnsino Médio
dc.subjectExperiência social e escolar
dc.subjectRelações Raciais
dc.titleO valor da experiência social e escolar do ensino médio para jovens negros(as) e brancos(as)
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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