Monografias de Especialização
Caracterização físico-química de efluente deUma oficina de veículos ferroviários
Raíssa Cristiane Alves Teixeira
Miriam Cristina Santos Amaral
Rail vehicle maintenance workshop wastewater has specific pollutants generally unnoticed in pollution control of logistics activity due to low profit and the pressure to deliver an increasing amount of products to the final consumer. For the understanding of this railway effluent, much compared with road transport, and for determining an effective treatment system, it is required to detail physico-chemical and microbiological composition. For this, it was mapped a workshop of railway vehicles and analysed safety data sheets and technical information of chemicals. The physico-chemical characterization was done by collecting three samples and analysing the most important parameters in wastewater legislation using Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Then it was described the similarities with the maintenance and car wash wastewater written in the literature and it was determined the specifics pollutants of railway maintenance activity. Both use many organic substances in hydraulic oils, greases, lubricants, fuels, degreasers and solvents. However the workshop under study uses specific inorganic degreasing sodium salts and particularly corrosion inhibitors as cooling water additives of combustion engines containing nitrites, silicates, borates, compounds that are not removed by the most common treatment system in this industry, oil water separator.