Tese de Doutorado
Descrição gramatical do Oro Waram, variante Wari' norte (Pakaa Nova, Txapakura): fonologia, morfologia e sintaxe
Selmo Azevedo Apontes
This thesis aims to present the grammatical description of Oro Waram, Wari 'north, language family Txapakura. The work focused on the village ´Laje Novo´, Indigenous Land Igarapé Laje´, located in the municipality of Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia. In phonology, it was found that Oro Waram has six vowel phonemes / i, e, a, o, , y / and sixteen consonant phonemes / p, t, k, h, m, n, n , m,n, w j /. A consonant phoneme is considered ´rare`/. Vowel, the duration is not distinctive. The syllable consists of: CV, CVC, V, VC. The phonotactics structure allows no hiatus and internal coda to the word. The accent is predictable, occurring at the end of the word. Phonological processes act on the syllables margins, respecting the phonotactic restrictions. It was found that the pronouns will govern all the grammatical function of language. The morphology is organized into free and dependent words. In the free words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns. The dependent words are relational morphemes: preposition; associative conjunction, applicative, subordinating. I verify that the pronouns define the words functioning as verbs and as names. In verbs, pronouns mark argument. In names, pronouns mark the agreement of the core to which it relates. Adjectives have a fluid status, between the verb and the name. As a name, they receive markers of the person, gender and number. As a verb, pronouns receive encoding arguments. Adverb adds information to the verb, functioning as modal or taking verbal core position. Regarding the syntactic behavior of Oro Waram, it was observed that it is orchestrated through the agreement markers: they identify the order of the major constituents of the clause; check that the arguments are singular or plural; encode the arguments functioning as subject or as an object; specify whether the verb is monovalent, divalent or trivalent; they indicate if there was evidence increase or decrease in valence; they distinguish when a conjunction increases the arguments or phrasal participant; they mark the number of clauses in a sentence, as each sentence needs its own set of agreement markers; and they differentiate between main clause and subordinate clause, through the application of a different set of agreement markers in dependent clauses. Thus, the encoding of syntactic structure can only be performed taking the operation on the language grammar as a whole. Thus, this description verifies that the agreement markers are the core of morphology and syntax in the Oro Waram. They organize, codify and structure the grammar of the language.