Tese de Doutorado
Curupirá: uma poética cênica cartográfica entre comicidades ameríndias na Amazônia
Andréa Bentes Flores
This thesis exists in writing and scene, embodied knowledge. It consists of a scenic poetic, Curupirá, and of writings invented along with the scene. Curupirá is staged by the jaguared researcher.actress and her relatives, drawing snake trails in the Amazonian territory of deepforest, in search of indigenous comicities. In intensive difference, layer upon layer of transformations, I understand Curupirá as a trickstering act, in which I create with forest laughings, operating decolonization of my comic body, on the borders between shamanism and theater. In this research, I wish to map the creation of Curupirá, scenic poetic among Amazonian indigenous commicities. Along the way, I have researched for clues of indigenous comicities among theoretical and poetic writings, focused on the subject and its neighborhood zones; researched poetic inducers for chest-thinking the creation, in decolonial perspectives, eatingwritings and empirical experiences with indigenous communities; and also created an act of trickstering from the embodiment of indigenous commicities and the shamanic sensibilities of world that produce them and that are produced by them. To do so, I make ofidian.cartography,method and attitude of life that I assume, adopting the snake as the being through which my vertical body horizontalizes itself, traces become the lines of the map and the verb to map becomes to snake. In the course of the research, I embody three amazonian enchanteds, that actas methodological procedures. They are: Curupira, Mapinguari and Matintaperera. The writings are presented as a watershed, poetically divided into tributaries of the main river that is Curupirá. The tributaries are notions triggered in and from the process of creation, communicating its conception and unfoldings. They are: Cobra, Makunaimação, Indigenous Commicities, To Jaguar, Cosmodramaturgy, Narratives, Ground and Sediments, this last one consisting on something the reader may understand as a conclusion. For reading, there is freedom to follow the order I propose, or to create a personal order, according to the wish ofthe reader. The thesis is, in addition, composed by a filmed and edited version of Curupirá, that is thesis, as well as the writings, and that is available on a pendrive.