Monografias de Especialização
Estabilização lombar é eficaz e superior ao fortalecimento muscular na redução da dor lombar crônica?: revisão da literatura
Renata Maria do Nascimento Tomaz
Introduction: The low back pain can cause major social and economic problems and can reach 65% of people every year and 84% of people at some point in life. Low back pain can be defined as pain between the 12th rib and the inferior gluteal line. It can be classified as acute when no pain persists for up to 6 weeks, subacute 6 to 12 weeks and chronic, which is characterized as persistent pain for more than 12 weeks. The current situation in rehabilitation proposes strengthening and lumbar-pelvic stabilization are able to reduce pain symptoms. Objective: To verify that treatment based on lumbar stabilization is effective and superior in reducing pain compared to the exercise of muscle strengthening. Methods: A search was conducted in Medline and PEDro database. Have only been used controlled trials written in English, which aimed to compare the core stabilization exercises effect with muscular strengthening effect in reducing back chronic pain. Those articles included participants over 18 years of age of both sexes who had chronic low back pain not specific with or without radiation to the lower limbs. Articles in the low back pain was associated with a specific disease such as disc herniation were excluded, tumors, osteoarthrosis, recent surgery and infections. The articles compared a control group (strengthening exercises) and an experimental group (central stabilization exercises ). Result: 207 articles were selected, five articles met the inclusion criteria. Studies show that there is no difference in pain reduction when the two treatments are compared. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that both treatments are capable of decreasing chronic low back pain. Lumbar stabilization is effective, but is not superior than treatment of muscle strengthening in reducing back pain. The process of physical therapy assessment and the choice of treatment should be patient-centered.