dc.contributorSergio Dias Cirino
dc.creatorRodrigo Lopes Miranda
dc.description.abstractThis work presents a historical narrative about the Behavior Analysis laboratories in Brazil, particularly those of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Due to Behavior Analysis impact on UFMG in the 70´s, the investigated period was from 1969 to 1981. The main object of this study was the operant conditioning chamber. The chamber, as a scientific instrument, has allowed the formulation of speeches about the laboratories and those who have made use of it. Part of the behaviorism history at Universidade de São Paulo (USP) between 1961 and 1965 was used as a background for the analysis of the pathways at UFMG.This stems from the influences of USP on UFMG regarding Behavior Analysis. The theoretical references were works of History of Psychology and Social Studies of Science. Oral History, Iconography and Document Analysis techniques were used to collect and analyze data. Among the analyzed documents were: photographs; schedules, aimed topics andsyllabus; letters; activity reports; equipment purchase reports; periodicals and; conference annals. Furthermore, interviews with professors who have acted in Behavior Analysis aboratories during the studied period were also analyzed. The results indicated that the operant conditioning chamber and, therefore, the Behavior Analysis laboratories were used asteaching and researching elements during the considered period. Specifically at UFMG, they were primarily used as didactical resources. Consequently, the didactical Behavior Analysis Laboratory was in evidence. One can imply that this occurred for four main reasons (a) theprofessors involved in the initial development of Behavior Analysis believed in a scientific Psychology; (b) these individuals shared the belief in the importance of the laboratory for a scientific Psychology; (c) the strong interest of these professors in fostering conditions for theteaching of an experimentalist scientific Psychology; and (d) the need for specific training to act in the laboratories of experimental research on Behavioral Analysis. It was noted, moreover, that the operant chamber stressed the importance of the Experimental Psychology laboratory in the realm of a scientific psychology in Brazil. Thus, the didactical BehaviorAnalysis laboratory was one of the elements closely related to the formalization of the first curriculum of Psychology in Brazil, justified on scientific and experimental bases and to the institutionalization of Psychology as a science and profession.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCurso de Psicologia da UFMG
dc.subjectHistória da análise do comportamento
dc.subjectHistória do ensino de psicologia
dc.subjectLaboratório didático de análise do comportamento
dc.subjectHistória da Psicologia
dc.titleLaboratórios de análise do comportamento no Brasil: percursos na UFMG na década de 1970
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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