Monografias de Especialização
O uso indiscriminado de psicofármacos pela população da área de abrangência da equipe de PSF Município Saudável de Lagoa Dourada
Christiane Cleria de Sousa Coelho
This work presents the objective of realizes a bibliographic revision about to the abusive use of psychopharmacologic remedies by population, with focus, overcoat, in the primary attention. To this, we made a surveying in a database like Bireme and Lilacs, about publications and national scientific papers that broaches about this theme. Was utilized the follow descriptors: dependence; psychopharmacologic remedies; prevalence. After this survey, is possible to perceive the scarcity of studies and scientific papers that treats this theme. The results demonstrates that the specific scientific papers presents advantages and disadvantages, options of treatment and administration ways, and we dont fasten in the question of the abusive use and yours consequences. This evinces the vast area of surveys in this theme that still can be made.