Dissertação de Mestrado
O impacto da lei de propriedade industrial (lei nº 9.279/96) no desenvolvimento de medicamentos inovadores pela indústria farmacêutica brasileira
Jeanne Schifini Bagni Urbano
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the Industrial Property Law (Law No. 9,279/96) with respect to the development of innovative medicines by the pharmaceutical industry. The temporality chosen as the cut out for the research included the space of 10 years. The methodology used for the achievement of the work was based on bibliographic and documental research. The documentary research related to reference medicinal products, manufacturing plant and the presence or absence of centers of research and development (R&D) of the pharmaceutical industries, whereas the last ten years after the promulgation of the Law no. 9,279/96, allowed us to make a critical analysis about the main characteristics of the industrial sector of pharmacy. In this sense, it was possible to demonstrate that the greatest number of pharmaceutical industries that have plant and centers of P&D - elements essential for advances in innovation of drugs - focuses on the southeastern region, due to economic factors and political-institutional: of the 51 pharmaceutical industries with manufacturing plant and the 49 centers of P&D distributed in 8 states in the federation, being that 82% of these are concentrated in the southeast region of the country. In addition, considering the list of drugs of reference of ANVISA, the presence of manufacturing plant and centers of P&D and the drugs used in the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, bacterial infections, neoplasms and hyperlipidemia, the brazilian pharmaceutical industry has filed a patent application of innovative medicines for the treatment of diseases with the highest incidence in Brazil. However, this study has identified some sources of innovation by Brazilian industries: partnerships between pharmaceutical companies and universities can be a premise that is already giving results for some companies, in addition to provide higher subsidies for that innovations that are developed within universities can effectively reach the market generating a benefit for health and the brazilian population. We can say, therefore, after research conducted, and considering the conclusions suggested above, that it is extremely important to implement public policies in the area of pharmaceutical innovation, because this is a strategic area for the sovereignty of the country