Dissertação de Mestrado
As relações de gênero em casais heterossexuais vivendo com HIV/AIDS: análise do discurso sobre os vínculos afetivo-sexuais
Alane Michelini Moura
The aim of this study is to analyse the discursive production of couples who are HIV/Aids positive and the possible changes taking place in the affective-sexual links before and after the discovery of the infection by at least one member of the couple. The research was achieved according to a qualitative approach as it incorporates the full dimension and facilitates a deepening of the theme. The collection of data consists of non-directive interviews, as suggested by Mata-Machado, with five couples, three seroconcordant and two serodiscordant, who were invited to take part in the study through two non-governmental associations. As well as this instrument, two focal groups, according to Gatti, done separately with men and woman, were used. In order to analyse the data we searched the Analysis of Discourse, specifically in Michel Foucault and Mikhail Bakhtin. We set off from the Foucaultian concept of discourse which is situated in a space where knowledge and power articulate themselves in a history crossed by ruptures and discontinuities. The analysis of corpus searches the discourses which were incorporated by the subjects participating in the research who reproduced a permanent dialogue between the several discourses that configure a society and the different voices that form it. In order to comprehend it two concepts are essential in the work of Bakhtin, the dialogism and the polyphony. The results of the research were built by a communication between Feminist theory and Foucaultian studies. A few topics emerged from the analysis of data: the seropositivity in the everyday life of the couple, the affective-sexual relation of each member, the gender relations and the relation between the researcher and the interviewees. The exhaustive readings, as well as the reflection on the interviewees and the focal groups, were necessary in order to allow some of the discourses that circulate in our society to emerge and be analyzed. One of the socially built and accepted discourses is referred to as the ideal of romantic love - very evident, especially in the womens utterances. Love and marriage are still maintained as an ideal of happiness and as a guide for behaviour, interfering in the ways the person acts and influencing the process of (trans)formation of identity, especially after the presence of HIV in the everyday life of the couple. Possibly we could infer that the reign of truth is organized and persists through a naturalization process, for men as well as women. Those crystallizations of the sense, the social myths, lived by the individuals as an objective reality, organize the social bonds; in other words, they institutionalise both the material and the subjective relationships. Furthermore, they produce systems of meaning which allow the production of discourse in a society to happen.