Dissertação de Mestrado
Programa Escola Integrada em Belo Horizonte: sentidos e significados atribuídos pelas famílias à ampliação do tempo na escola
Kassiane dos Santos Oliveira
This work has the objective to identify and analyses which senses and meaning are attributed to the Programa Escola Integrada (PEI) by families that insert its children with age between six and eight years old. We search comprehend which are the initial senses to the insertion of these children at PEI and how these senses are reconstructed during the time of permanence of the children at the program. With the objective of identifying the audience attended by policies of enlargement of the school journey, we analyze the familiar configurations of the children that participate of the Programa Escola Integrada. For analyzing the attributed senses to PEI we turn on to the studies of Sociology of Education that dedicate to understand the relation of the low middle popular class with the scholarization of their sons and daughters. In due to comprehend the Programa Escola Integrada we analyzed the context and the conceptions that direct the enlargement of school journey in Brazil, searching references in public experiences of enlargement of this journey. In the following we approach the recent policies that foster this enlargement at municipal, state and federal levels of scholarization. We present also a PEI characterization in Belo Horizonte, especially about its conceptions and objectives; taking like base official documents and the program divulgation. To reach the objective of this research we realized a period of observation at a school that adhered to the program; we sent a questionnaire to the families whose children between six or eight years old enrolled at PEI and at the end we interviewed twelve persons, among fathers, mothers and grandmothers that have children and grandsons at this age group. As result we bring out that the initial sense attributed to PEI by the families was related about care being reformulated and passed to include also the senses of socialization of autonomys development and new learning. The participation of the children at PEI proportionated to the families to realize the program as new education possibilities, as well as the enlargement of its social and cultural experiences complementary of sons, daughters and grandsons.