Monografias de Especialização
Desnutrição infantil: análise da situação e proposta de intervenção para a unidade básica de saúde carapina 2 - município de Governador Valadares / MG
Paula Carvalho da Silva Monte Alto
Malnutrition represents a great challenge for developing countries that seek to ensure their children the right to be well nourished and healthy. Biggest challenge is the application of scientific knowledge available on the issues of child nutrition to reduce the number of malnourished children, crocked and creating health sector strategies for the control of the disease. This work resulted in the intervention project conducted by the Social Project Discipline of specialization course in basic care in family health. This is an exploratory study having as object the analysis of the nutritional profile of children under 10 years of age living in the area of coverage of basic health unit Carapina 2 family, in the municipality of Governador Valadares-MG, from data collected for the surveillance system for food and nutrition (SISVAN) in order to propose strategies for intervention. The results showed that there is high rate of child malnutrition in the area spanning investigated, being necessary the elaboration of a strategy of intervention in order to overcome the difficulties presented.