dc.contributorMaíra Tomayno de Melo Dias Azevedo
dc.contributorLuciana da Silva de Oliveira
dc.creatorAdriana Terezinha dos Santos
dc.description.abstractThis work has main questionto identify and propose activities that can be to contribute to the process of interaction of children a year in UMEI Mangueiras. The theoretical contribution of the work is based on the concepts of Vygotsky (2005) and Wallon (1981).The work of these authors call for a reflection on the pedagogical practice that searches to attend the needs of the child in the affective, cognitive and motor plan and promote their development at all levels. From this perspective increases the understanding of what is significant in childrens behavior and the interactions established. This project was developed under a qualitative perspective which sought to perform an action that is constituted as one of many different forms of action research, and can be defined as any ongoing, systematic, empirically based attempts to improve practice research. Initially an observation of the interaction between children and teachers was held .To achieve the proposed goal, we use as instruments of data collection: notes (description of thesituation observed), photographs, and interviews with teachers. After the observation conducted an intervention in which we propose different games that were aimed at: encouraging and respecting the autonomy of children, build a cooperative environment, develop impulse control, promote concentration, stimulate new discoveries, learning to deal with feeling and frustrations discomfort caused by being upset. After intervention activities have achieved some results which I consider very positive .The childrennow can move to the cafeteria, walking slowly by the school , meet some combinations and cooperate more with peers and with peers and with children should be continued ,because some activities make a difference in the daily routine of the same . Also, we stress that this experience was very good, because we realized the limits of the children go beyond our expectations.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCrianças de um ano
dc.titleInterações e brincadeiras com crianças de um ano
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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