dc.contributorJussara Rodrigues Fernandino
dc.contributorHeloisa Faria Braga Feichas
dc.contributorGisele Maria Marino Costa
dc.creatorMarcus Vinicius Teixeira Ottoni
dc.description.abstractThis is a qualitative and exploratory research around pedagogies of an interactional nature, considered in this work as teaching-learning processes enhanced by the interaction between the participants involved. It aims to investigate and understand factors related to these proposals, seeking to identify didactic aspects of collaborative content, which may contribute to some challenges related to teacher training in Music. The exploratory study was carried out within the scope of an elective course in the Music graduation of the Federal University of Minas Gerais - Planning C: Musical Education in the Specialized School - whose dynamics, in the hypothesis of the present work, presents aspects close to the principles of these pedagogies. The methodology adopted by the research encompasses literature review, to survey the theoretical framework; semistructured interview, with participants as students and the teacher of the subject in question; and evaluation of data collected through Content Analysis. The intersection of these two sources of information - theoretical reference and interviews - allowed a better understanding of the phenomenon investigated. From this understanding, an information base was elaborated presenting five categories that show the fundamental aspects raised by the investigation, considered by the research as indicators of contribution of these pedagogies and practices for the formation of the student.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPráticas Colaborativas
dc.subjectComunidades de
dc.subjectPedagogias interacionais
dc.subjectFormação docente em Música
dc.titlePedagogia interacional e colaborativa na formação do licenciado em Música: estudo exploratório a partir da disciplina Planejamento C: Educação Musical na Escola Especializada, da Escola de Música da UFMG
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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