dc.contributorBernadete Santos Campello
dc.contributorJanete Magalhaes Carvalho
dc.contributorShenia D'Arc Venturim Cornélio
dc.contributorJacqueline Silva Figueiredo Pereira
dc.contributorAdriana Bogliolo Sirihal Duarte
dc.contributorAlcenir Soares dos Reis
dc.creatorGleice Pereira
dc.description.abstractThis study sought to understand the educational work of school librarians, specifically with regard to their collaboration practices with the school staff, mainly the teachers. Specific objectives were: to characterize the types and forms of librarians collaboration activities with teachers and educational coordinators; identify the influence of the principal in the collaborative environment; and explore facilitating and inhibiting factors to collaborative work in schools. The theoretical basis for the research was build on the interrelationship of three concepts: the educational role of the librarian was discussed based on Campellos ideas (2009); the quotidian as an environment of possibilities for education professionals was based on the research of Carvalho (2009); the levels of teacher/librarian collaboration were analyzed from the Teacher/Librarian Collaboration Model TLC, developed by Montiel-Overall (2005a and 2005b). The TLC is composed of four facets: A - Coordination; B - Cooperation; C - Integrated Instruction; and D - Integrated Curriculum, which identify the type/level of interaction and communication that occurs between librarians and teachers in the school and form a continuum that ranges from a relatively low level of engagement to a deep commitment and intellectual involvement. The research was qualitative in nature, and data were collected through interviews (in person or via Skype) with nine librarians active in public and private basic education schools of four Brazilian states. The sample was intentional, with a deliberate selection of participants, allowing the choice of representative library professionals of the population being surveyed, providing a wealth of data that allowed the desired level of analysis. Participants worked full time at the schools and developed activities with students that involved collaboration with teachers. Collaborative practices were identified in all four levels of the model, in different proportions. Some facilitating factors were identified: planning of activities, good relationship among colleagues, library knowledge by the teachers, principal support, and especially the presence of a librarian who possesses leadership and proactivity. Inhibiting factors were identified: lack of leadership and proactivity of the librarian, lack of librarians initiative to assist users in the reference service, librarians rooted in technicists practices. In most cases, directly or indirectly, the principal had participation in collaborative activities, in different ways, depending of being in a public or private school. Conclusions showed that the TLC model was able to identify teacher/librarian collaboration practices, determine the different levels of collaboration and identify factors that interfere in the process. The use of the model revealed the complexity of collaboration, showing different possibilities for teachers and librarians to work in partnership. This research also showed that in each facet of the TLC model there are possibilities that could work as a goal towards high collaboration. In Brazil, the future of teacher/librarian collaboration will depend on the collective efforts of librarians to review their roles in order to work in partnership with the school staff ensuring that everyone is involved in common goals related to students learning.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPrática educativa do bibliotecário
dc.subjectNíveis de colaboração
dc.subjectColaboração professor/bibliotecário
dc.subjectCotidiano do bibliotecário
dc.titleA colaboração no contexto da função educativa do bibliotecário
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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