Dissertação de Mestrado
Avaliação da conformabilidade e da resistência à indentação dos aços Intersticial Free High Strength Steel (IFHSS) e Bake Hardenable (BH) da classe de 260 MPa de limite de escoamento
Thiago Rangel Bittencourt
The steel industry has as a challenge, to support the automotive industry to reduce the amount of pollutant emission and increase safety of vehicles, the development of steels of lower thickness, with medium and high mechanical strength. Within this context, two concepts of steel, used on the outer panels for the automotive industry, deserves a special attention, the Bake Hardenable (BH) and Intersticial Free High Strength Steel (IFHSS). The present study has the objective to evaluate the BH and IFHSS steels in terms of mechanical property, formability, resistance gain due to deformation, aging and dent resistance. The main idea is to identify in which stamping conditions should be decided to use each steel, in outer panels. In general, both steels showed similar performance in terms of formability. BH steel was superior to IFHSS as dent resistance. Therefore, BH appears as an attractive technical solution when compared to IFHSS, when applied in outer panels (hoods, doors and fenders) that requires higher dent resistance.