| Monografias de Especialização
Plano de intervenção para atuação da Equipe de Saúde da Família na diminuição do déficit de conhecimento dos escolares sobre autocuidado/higiene
Edvania da Silva Ferreira
This paper presents a proposal for intervention, Health Strategy of the Family, the performance of the School Health Program of the municipality of Junqueiro, on the issue of self-care/hygiene school, because health education is also a school of responsibility, but it must be shared with other sectors of society. It is relevant to the study of an intervention plan for family health team performance in the reduction of the school knowledge deficit about self-care/hygiene, by not only feature a school problem, but community. Has as objective to propose an action plan that provides knowledge to students about self-care/hygiene. A systematic literature search was conducted, using search sites: Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), Issues of the Ministry of Health and others. For the preparation of Intervention Plan we used the Situational Strategic Plan identifying the steps to drawing up a plan of action. It was observed that with the implementation of the action plan a significant decrease of deficit knowledge of students about self-care/hygiene, I understand that hygiene is the beginning and foundation in order to have a health good quality with no injuries.