dc.contributorValter Lucio de Padua
dc.contributorHygor Aristides Victor Rossoni
dc.creatorMaira Fares Leite
dc.description.abstractThe sanitation in Brazil is still far away behind than it should. Many people live in an inadequate condition, drink low quality water, do not have proper disposal of waste produced, being exposed to a lot of diseases associated with poor sanitation. The domestic sewage is responsible for the most part of the water contamination, causing damage to the human population and to the environmental balance. The public policies are insufficient to meet the demands of sewage treatment and the small communities are even more neglected. Find appropriatetechniques to these realities by considering factors such as the cost, simplicity and efficiency have been the subject of several scientific researches. This paper presents a case study of the contamination problem of the water source supply in the aldeia Capão do Zezinho, located in the municipality of Martinho Campos, at Minas Gerais.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSaneamento e meio ambiente
dc.titleTratamento do efluente doméstico em pequenas comunidades: o caso da Aldeia Capão do Zezinho
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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