dc.contributorSonia Maria Soares
dc.contributorSilvana Spindola de Miranda
dc.contributorJorge Gustavo Velasquez Melendez
dc.creatorDinamara Barreto dos Santos
dc.description.abstractIt is cross-sectional study using secondary data in the information system (SINAN). The aim of this study is analyze sociodemographic, clinical and epidemiological factors in adults patients reported in an information system (SINAN) with tuberculosis (TB) and its association with diabetes mellitus (DM) in the State of Minas Gerais (MG) in the period from 2007 to 2011. The current epidemiological situation in theworld shows that the incidence of TB remains high in developing countries and the prevalence of diabetes increases globally, generating global public health problems, which can be even greater when the association of the two diseases. International studies show that patients with diabetes are more likely to develop tuberculosis because the immune impairment. In Brazil, studies that address the associationbetween TB and DM are incipient and consequently dont have proposals for an integrated approach. Thus, it is necessary to adjust the TB programs to incorporate additional risk factors and conduct research to propose standards policies and practices in this area. Data collection was conducted with the Technical Areas of TB and DM in the State Department of Health / MG and totaled 19,343 TB notifications in the period studied. There was significant association (p <0.05) of cure withabandonment and death in relation to sex, race, education and age. Considering only the cases of DM, the association was significant only with age, with 82.6% of cure, 14.8% of abandonment and 2.7% of death in the age group 20-39 years. In the age group 40 and 59 years was 88.5% of cure, 6.5% of abandonment and 5.0% of death. In the population aged 60 years or more was 87.6% of cure, 5.3% of abandonment and 7.1% of death. Between the TB notifications, 6.1% of the patients had DM. In thepatients group with HIV/AIDS and DM, the cure percentage was low (67%) and the abandonment rate was high (23%), even in comparison with the general group of 19,343 notifications. Alcoholism was significant with better healing results (81%), lower dropout percentage (10.7%), but higher death (8.3%), compared to the overall group that had, respectively, 76.2%, 17.6% and 6.1%. In cases of mental illness, the association was significant with low cure percentage (76.1%), high dropout (13%) and death (10.9%). It is expected that our findings can assist in planning actions on the part of health services for special groups at greatest risk of illness. Intersectoral actions are necessary that focus on improving the quality of life of these groups, overcoming the barrier of the clinic in order to better the care provided to patients with TB and arrange for appropriate care service to patients who have comorbid TB and DM.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectMedidas em Epidemiologia
dc.subjectSistemas de Informação
dc.subjectSistemas de Saúde
dc.subjectDiabetes Mellitus
dc.titleDiabetes mellitus referido e fatores sociodemográficos, clínicos e epidemiológicos em pacientes adultos com tuberculose
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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