dc.contributorEulita Maria Barcelos
dc.contributorMaria Dolores Soares Madureira
dc.creatorGiovanni Ramos Araújo
dc.description.abstractThe chronic-degenerative diseases have a growing incidence of cases, and are measured specially bye the mortality. These are progressive and interfere in the quality of life of its bearers, considering this aspect and the fact that the humanization of relations and care for the human being to be a concern to health professionals and caregivers. This work analyzed the incidence of these diseases of the Ezequiel Alves de Carvalho team, Family Health Strategy on the town of Tumiriting/MG, and the difficulties found by the professionals of health in the prevention and treatment of the chronic-degenerative diseases; trying to improve their knowledge about this reality and present strategies for a more efficient prevention and treatment of this diseases. This analysis let us say that there is a great incidence of chronic diseases, specially the diabetes mellitus. The Diabetes Mellitus is a serious problem of the public health, once it is very common in the people around the world and it is associated to the complications which compromise the productivity, quality of life and the survival rate of the patients, besides it is very expensive to treat it and its complications. We could see also the lack of knowledge of the population in despite of the causes and risk factors of the disease, besides the necessity of programs of health prevention and the awareness of the people, we could see yet the lack of ability of the health tea to front this reality. So, this job objected to elaborate one Interventional Plan to be implanted by the Family Health Team Ezequiel Alves de Carvalho which aims to prevent the disturbances associated with the syndrome of Diabetes Melittus.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPromoção da Saúde
dc.subjectDoenças Crônico-Degenerativas
dc.subjectQualidade de Vida
dc.subjectDiabetes Mellitus
dc.titleBaixa adesão ao tratamento de diabetes: plano de intervenção
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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