“Amor pelo alto vera cruz nos muros: musealização in situ de graffiti e ação cultural educativa na escola”
Moacir Fagundes de Freitas
This research presents an in situ musealization methodology of four graffiti panels, located in
the Alto Vera Cruz neighborhood, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, developed with
elementary school students. The panels were held from December 2016 to July 2017, by artists
from the neighborhood and surrounding areas, in response to the stigma of a violent
neighborhood spread by the media. Considering the importance of these panels for that
community and their artistic and pedagogical potential, the research was guided by the
challenge of establishing a relationship between students and the panels, precisely to create
forms of access and appropriation of urban art, through an educational cultural action. The work
aimed, at first, at understanding the process of creating graffiti, from the analysis of urban art
in the context of shanty towns and the narrative proposed by the authors from the perspective
of Neighborhood History. Therefore, in addition to documentary and bibliographic research,
semi-structured interviews were carried out with graffiti artists and project researchers. Then,
an educational cultural action was developed with students from the City School Israel Pinheiro.
Visits to panels and workshops on the history of Hip Hop, graffiti and the neighborhood were
made. This action was only possible with the gradual return of students to school, in the context
of the pandemic. The work was developed based on two methodologies, Action Research and
the Culture Circle, from which data collection and the dynamics of educational cultural action
could be structured. By linking art and education, the work sought to problematize the
relationship between school, urban art and museums, in the perspective of the purpose of
educational-territory and curriculum city. As an educational resource, a notebook was created,
aimed at teachers. It contains records of the experience that could serve as a methodology to be
replicated in other spaces