Monografias de Especialização
Medidas não farmacológicas adotadas pela enfermagem para o alívio da dor em pacientes oncológicos
Leticia Marques Santos
This systematic review aimed to identify the non-pharmacological measures of pain relief that can be used by nursing staff to provide relief of cancer pain. It is an integrative review conducted survey from the databases, LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, and BDENF Collects SUS Brazil. Based on the criteria for inclusion were excusão and selected six (06) studies that allowed identification of the following additional measures to relieve the pain of cancer patients: heat therapy, cryotherapy, yoga, therapeutic touch, herbal medicine, the musicaterapia, massage therapy, aromatherapy, hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy that result in reducing anxiety, pain relief and stress reduction,. It is concluded that despite the benefits pointed to the use of these therapies is necessary to conduct further studies related to the improvement of complementary therapies by nursing staff in the management of pain in cancer patients.