Monografias de Especialização
Extração de madeiras em terrenos inclinados ou acidentados: riscos de adoecimento e de acidentes para trabalhadores na etapa de tombo e empilhamento
David Soares de Sousa Lima
This study arose from the need to conduct field work in pairs, required as a prerequisite for completing the specialization course in Ergonomics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. The company studied is a service provider in the harvesting sector is located in the Steel Valley-MG. The region where the company is located and performs the eucalyptus extraction is characterized by land with relief ranging from strong corrugated (declivity between 20 and 45%) to hilly (declivity between 45 and 75%). Was applied the Ergonomic Work Analysis as a method to understand the difficulties encountered in work situations. The demand for ergonomic analysis was constructed collectively with the different actors of the studied company, driving up the Tumble and Manual Stacking stage. This sector requires handling logs weighing over 50 kg, in land with exposure to various weather and stereotypical attitudes, and under influences from the previous step, the cutting (felling, delimbing and scoring), where workers are faced with logs bad delimbing and badly scored, generating rework, may cause musculoskeletal disorders. From this study, the monograph is presented with a specific focus on the extraction of timber on declivity or uneven, with the hypothesis that manual extraction, performed by rudimentary methods, under influences of step cutting and environmental conditions, can cause risk of illness and accidents to forestry workers. Considering this hypothesis, this study aims to present and discuss the risks of illness and accidents for workers in the Tumble and Manual Stacking stage, based on the empirical study and literature review conducted on the topic. Para minimizar a exposição aos riscos de adoecimento e de acidentes na extração manual, propuseram-se algumas recomendações, dentre elas: aumentar o intervalo entre as etapas de corte e extração manual (tombo e empilhamento) e incentivar o trabalho em duplas. Palavras-chave: Extração Florestal, Terrenos Inclinados, Terrenos Acidentados, Tombo e Empilhamento Manual, Ergonomia, Riscos de Adoecimentos, Riscos de Acidentes. The results of the ergonomic analysis and elements revealed by the literature review confirm the hypothesis formulated. With regard to the risks of illness, we highlight joint injuries of the upper extremities (shoulders and elbows), lower limbs (hip, knee and ankle) and spine (lumbar region), caused by exposure to heavy physical exertion, postures stereotyped, lifting and handling of logs. But among the risks of accidents can include: injuries and cuts by using the hatchet; slips and falls by the presence of branches, stumps and holes in the ground, and the presence of overlapping logs that may roll over the workers. To minimize exposure to the risks of illness and accidents in manual extraction, have proposed a number of recommendations, including: increasing the interval between the steps of cutting and manual extraction (tumble and stacking) and stimulate work in pairs.