Monografias de Especialização
Aleitamento materno: fatores que levam ao desmame precoce
Milene Barbosa Figueiro
This paper discusses breastfeeding and early weaning. The goal is to present the history of breastfeeding, the causes and consequences of early weaning and programs to encourage breastfeeding in Brazil. The exclusive breastfeeding until six months of life, supplemented adequately from this age and its maintenance until two years or more, can be considered the healthiest habit in this age group, it provides numerous benefits to both mother and for the baby. However, the medians of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding are below what is recommended. There are many factors that are associated with early weaning, thus, the need to disseminate and implement initiatives that help to promote more successful breastfeeding. This paper describes the programs: rooming-in program, mother kangaroo, baby-friendly hospital initiative, project postman friend and firefighter friend of the child.