dc.description.abstract | The health insurance pricing model in Brazil foresees the imposition of limits on the variation of payments by age group, which aims to minimize the effects of age on health spending, through transfers of resources from different generations of beneficiaries of health insurance (Intergenerational pact), so that the younger cohorts, who have lower risk of use, can finance the assistance expenses of the beneficiaries at more advanced ages. However, the increasing proportion of elderly beneficiaries in health insurance portfolios can make transfers of resources between generations impossible. In this context, the objective of this research is to analyze intergenerational transfers (between individuals of different age groups) and intragenerational (between individuals of the same age group) in Brazilian supplementary health, as well as to estimate the magnitude of these transfers. For the purposes of this analysis, a sample of 11 health plan operators was considered, which contemplates approximately 780 thousand beneficiaries in the year 2015. According to the results found, the balances of intergenerational transfers were positive, even when considering the administrative expenses and revenue from the financial result. However, the percentage margin of the difference between revenues and expenses was significantly low, especially considering individual contractors. In addition, in line with this result, a rear projection exercise has shown that in the last 20 years the relationship between care expenses and monthly installments (loss ratio) among individual contractors has increased steadily, which may indicate insufficient tuition fees in the short term. With regard to intra-generational transfers, it was found that they occurred in the age groups of 0 to 18 years and 59 years or more, and the balance of the transfers was negative only in the group above 59 years, so that income from of other age groups is needed to cover the expenses of the beneficiaries of this group. | |