dc.contributorCassio Maldonado Turra
dc.contributorBernardo Lanza Queiroz
dc.contributorLaura Lidia Rodriguez de Espinoza
dc.creatorJenny Alejandra Garcia Arias
dc.description.abstractIn the attempt to build theoretical frameworks that synthesize explanations for the decline in mortality in the world and changes in epidemiological profile throughout history, the epidemiological transition theory arises. Many questions have been made to this theory, especially the idea behind of evolutionary unilineal societies and progress. Looking for more open frameworks and interdisciplinary character, alternative proposals have emerged, among them, Frenk & al (1991) points to the idea of an extended- polarized model in the case of Latin America epidemiology transition. Since Venezuela in recent decades presents a significant proportion of deaths from chronic degenerative causes , while in parallel, deaths continue to submit infectious causes and external causes , the main objective of this paper is to analyze the structure of causes of death, with the intention of characterizing the epidemiological profile of Venezuela in the years 2000 to 2010 , through the verification of the assumptions behind the extended- polarized transition model and betting that the polarization mentioned , is marked by the urban bias in the country. This investigation uses correlations and simple regressions analysis of standardized mortality rates for the population aged 5 and older. The results indicate an important compliance model adopted by sex variation.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectpadrões de mortalidade
dc.subjectestrutura de causas de morte
dc.subjecttransição epidemiológica
dc.subjectmodelo de transição epidemiológica polarizado-prolongado
dc.titleEstructura de las causas de muerte en Venezuela, años 2000-2010
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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