Monografia (especialização)
O impacto dos exercícios aeróbicos no tratamento da dor lombar crônica: revisão de literatura
Audrei Queiroz Pinto
Introduction: Low back pain is one of the reasons that most lead to medical
consultations, where the prevalence of it increases over the years and stabilizes the
population over 65 years, without knowing the reasons. It is believed that aerobic
exercises contribute to the improvement and control of chronic low back pain, also
contributing to the physical conditioning and psychological improvement of patients, in
addition to gaining return and with less financial expense for the general population.
Objective: This study aimed to conduct a literature review evaluating the effectiveness
of aerobic exercises in improving chonic low back pain. Methods: This is literature
review on the effectiveness of aerobic exercises in the treatment of chronic low back
pain. The study wasdeveloped though a search for scientific literature on the eletrinic
databases Medline and PEDro. Results: Of the four articles analyzed one showed that
high intensity aerobic exercises showed significant improvements in pain, disability and
psychological stress in patients with DLC, two others showed that aerobic exercises
have similar and positive results when compared to other interventions for the
treatment of DLC and one reported that aerobic exercise did not show significant
improvements in the treatment of DLC compared to conventional physical therapy.
Conclusion: Evidence suggests that aerobic exercises can be an effective toll in the
treatment of patients with DLC, where pain improvement occurs in conjunction with
other important variables such as: reduction of stress, anxiety, depression and
improvement of these individuals disability.