Dissertação de Mestrado
Validação da imunodifusão em gel de ágar para o diagnóstico da anemia infecciosa equina em equídeos e comparação com o Elisa rgp90 e imunoblot
Fernanda Gonçalves de Oliveira
Equine infectious anemia (EIA) is one of the most important diseases of horse with worldwide distribution. The serological diagnosis is the main way to detect the EIA, once clinical signs of the disease are not unique. After identification of infected animals, sanitary control measures should be adopted, such as segregation and euthanasia. The official method for diagnosis of EIA in Brazil is the AGID (agar gel immunodiffusion test) - (BRAZIL, 2004). Two AGID kits are commercially available in Brazil, one imported (kit A) and one national (kit B). The kit A was standardized according to the OIE (2008) recommendations and the kit B was standardized according to the Portaria 84/1992 of MAPA recommendations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of loss of analytical sensitivity by using the kit A following MAPA recommendations. It was evaluated the performance of kit B according to manufacturer's instructions (MAPA, 1992) and also was evaluated kit A following the OIEs (2008) instructions. The results demonstrated good agreement between both kits, however was not possible to detect 1.16% of weak positive sample in AGID using kit A according to MAPA instructions. This study also evaluated the correlation between AGID and ELISA rgp90 in EIA diagnosis. The agreement between both techniques was substantial for horses and mules, however, slight agreement was found for donkeys