Monografias de Especialização
Humanização dos profissionais técnicos em saúde do CEFOR-PB com relação à população LGBT
David Jose de Sousa Silva Paz
Despite all the efforts that guide the Health System's fault that deserve our attention, among them so that the LGBT population is served at health facilities. Over the years this population, despite the prejudices, has achieved great achievements and with this paper we propose that students / workers in health CEFOR-PB, have greater maturity regarding the sexuality of people assisted them in their work environment to those professionals working in the NHS have a look humane, non-judgmental moral values that interfere with the host user. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate the Policy Plan (PPP) of the institution a proposal to raise awareness of health professionals seeking to ensure the population of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders, humanized care focused on the general appearance of the assisted. Thus, we propose in this, a chapter of the PPP returned to this end, built with the school community and social movement that advocates the LGBT cause. The combat homophobia through formal education faces two challenges: the first is to break the silence of the books on sexual diversity and the second is to find discursive mechanisms to present it in an array of promoting equality and diversity.