Artigo de Periódico
Lembranças de mulheres em armas: relatos memorialísticos sobre o front
Joyce Rodrigues Silva Gonçalves
This paper intends to make a brief analysis of Svetlana Aleksievitch’s book War’s Unwomanly Face, from the perspective of the studies on testimony and its relations with memory, considering also the gender issues present in the work. In addition, some problems inherent to memory narratives will be punctuated, such as remembering, forgetting, silencing, authorship, fiction and lived experiences. This study is part of a PhD research in progress at the Faculty of Letras of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, being a clipping of one of the chapters of the Thesis. The theoretical contributions that guide the text are propositions of authors such as Philippe Lejeune, Michel Foucault, Michael Pollak, Enrique Serra Padrós, and Márcio Seligmann-Silva.