dc.contributorJose Osvaldo Saldanha Paulino
dc.contributorCelio Fonseca Barbosa
dc.contributorAlexander Barros Lima
dc.contributorWallace do Couto Boaventura
dc.contributorIvan Jose da Silva Lopes
dc.creatorCarlos Ermidio Ferreira Caetano
dc.description.abstractThe reliability and availability of the electric power transmission system is severely influenced by lightning. In Brazil, roughly 65% of the overhead transmission lines outages are due to lightning, whereas the backflashover is the predominant phenomenon compared to shielding failure. Hence, obtaining a low value for the transmission line grounding impedance is an important issue when dealing with transmission lines backflashover performance. Usually, for high resistivity soils, increasing the grounding grid dimensions does not lead to low impedance due to the effective length issue. In this work, a special arrangement of ground electrodes is proposed in order to attenuate the effective length problem in high resistivity soil. The transient voltage response of this low impedance ground arrangement is evaluated numerically using the transmission line theory. Comparisons of numerical simulations results and measurements from a reduced model study and a real scale model study are presented for validation purpose.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectModelo reduzido
dc.subjectImpedância de aterramento
dc.subjectMalha de aterramento
dc.subjectDesempenho de linha
dc.subjectTransitórios eletromagnéticos
dc.titleEstudo de um arranjo especial de aterramento que atenua o problema do comprimento efetivo
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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