Dissertação de Mestrado
Análise do processo de ensino-aprendizagem-treinamento nas categorias de base do futebol: relações com as capacidades cognitivas e motoras
Vinicius de Oliveira Viana Soares
The general objective of this study was to verify the influences of the training method about the tactical capacities and technical abilities in the soccer, as well as, comparing the results between the evaluated categories. The sample was constituted by 26 football players of a team from Belo Horizonte: 10 of them from the U-14 category and 16 from the U-15 category. For the categorization process and the identification of the education methods used in the training sessions, the protocol developed by Stefanello (1999) was chosen. To evaluate the declarative tacticalknowledge (DTK), Mangas protocol (1999), that uses offensive scenes of soccer videos, was picked up. Procedural tactical knowledge (PTK) was evaluated by: KORA test (Evaluation Guided through Concept), developed by Memmert (2002), according to the tactical parameter Offering itself and orienting itself (OO); and test FUT-SAT (COSTA, 2010), according to offensive, defensive and games tactical performance indexes. The technical skills had been measured by the Mor-Christians test of technique (1979). Furthermore, subjective perception of trainer (SPT) wasevaluated based on offensive and defensive tactical principles applied by the team under trainers responsability. Besides, it was possible to verify SPT through Lucas questionnaire (2001), that considers the tactical efficiency model practised by the football players. The results presented in this study allow following conclusion: in the U-14 and U-15 categories, both, traditional and new methods was used to soccer teaching. The qui-square results for homogeneity of total time consigned to activities of structural complexity of tasks, in U-14 and U-15 categories, revealed thetemporal utilization differentiated between variables of structural complexity of task and task condition (p<0,0001). The Wilcoxon test, for the DTK variable, presented significant differences between results before and after tests of U-15 (0,0339) and U- 14 (0,0091) categories. Still, the results of Mann-Whitney test evidenced significant difference between categories in pre-test and in the difference between pre-test andafter-test (p<0,05), but not in after-test (p=0,6701). In addition to that, for test KORAOO the Wilcoxon test confirmed significant difference between pre-test and after-test (p<0,05) in convergent and divergent parameters of evaluated categories. The results of Mann-Whitney did not evidenced significant differences between the teams in pre-test, but it did in after-test of convergent and divergent KORA-OO (p<0,05). In FUT-SAT test, the Wilcoxon statistics did not presented significant diference between results of pre and after-test of the evaluated categories in the offensive, defensive and of game parameters (p>0,05). The results of Mann-Whitney test did not evidenced differences between the teams in the offensive or defensive indexes. However, the categories was differentiated in the index of game in pre-test (p<0,0050) and in after-test (p=0,05). Still, the Technique of Mor-Christians (1979) battery of tests, in the variables conduction, pass and kick, was applied. The Wilcoxon test reflected that only the test of conduction in the U-15 category presented significant difference between pre and after-test (p=0,0279). The Mann- Whitney test applied to the test of conduction shows that: significant difference appear between the categories in pre and after-test (p<0,05), but not in the difference between the moments of testing (p=0,1789); does not exist significant difference between the categories in the pass test (p>0,05); and there is no significant difference between the categories in pre-test of kick variable (p=0,0279). The Spearmans matrix of correlation between the variables of study presented significantand positive association between kick test and conduction test (0,394), and negative association between the offensive and defensive indexes (-0,623). The SPT about the offensive and defensive tactical principles was significant between the pre and after-test. The results of Wilcoxons statistics was p=0,0019 for the U-15 category and p=0,008 for the U-14 category. For the Wilcoxon test, it was verified that in the pre-test exists significant difference between the categories (p<0,05) in favor of theU-14 one. In the after-test, this difference was not evidenced (p=0,2330). The SPT that refers to the tactical model of income in the soccer game practised for its players presented an improvement in the medium results in the after-test of U-15 and U-14 categories (p=0,0001). However, it was not verified the dimensions effect of the Lucas test in the U-15 and U-14 categories (p<0,05). Through the Wilcoxon test, the U-14 category had greaters values attributed for the trainer during the pre-test(p=0,0001), but not in the after-test (p=0,0814).