Dissertação de Mestrado
Fertilidade de fêmeas suínas inseminadas com sêmen diluído e resfriado a 5°C ou 17°C
Caterine Santos Ruiz Braga
Three studies were made at Farm Chua, located in Patos de Minas, State of Minas Gerais. In the study I, 43 sows of Landrace and Large White breeds were distributed equally in 3 groups, as follows: T1 sows inseminated with extended semen in the BTS® extender and storaged in refrigerator at 17ºC; T2 sows inseminated with semen extended in glycine-egg yolk extender (Foote, 2002) and storaged at 5ºC, in a special container; T3 - sows inseminated with semen extended in glycine-egg yolk-orvus-es-paste extender and storaged at 5ºC in a special container. Before cooling-off, the semen was submitted to a stabilization at room temperature for 2 hours (T1) and 4 hours (T2 and T3). The motility and vigor of the spermatozoa submitted to groups 2 and 3 were better (p<0,05) comparing to those of T1. About the rate conception obtained of 100,00%, 78,57% and 60,00% for the groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively, only the T1 was statistically different from T3. Regarding to the total number of piglets born, the result was of 14,33 ± 2,43; 11,11 ± 4,73 and 10,50 ± 4,11, in the same previous order, so it was observed a difference (p<0,05) only between groups 1 and 3. Therefore, the number of total live gotten in group 1 was statistically significant comparing to the groups 2 and 3 (13,17 ± 2,13 vs 10,00 ± 4,21 and 9,88 ± 3,60, respectively). In the study II, it was evaluated the reproductive performance of 42 sows primiparous and other parity of different breeds, equally distributed in 2 groups: T1-inseminated sows with extended semen in the BTS® extender and storaged in a refrigerator at 17ºC and T2- inseminated sows with extended semen in the glycine-egg yolk extender (Foote, 2002) and storaged at 5ºC in a special container. As observed in the study I, it was also noted after 19,97 hours in storage, a superiority (p<0,05) of the semen extended in glycine-egg yolk concerning the maintenance of the physical characteristics (motility and vigor). It was not noted the influence (p>0,05) of the group about none of the analysed characteristics reproductive (conception and farrowing rates and number of litter size). In the study III, it was used 70 sows from different breeds, primiparous and multiparous distributed in two similar groups related to those used in study II. It was also observed the superiority of the glycine-egg yolk extender referred to the maintenance of the semen physical characteristics after 19,79 hours of storage. Besides, it was noted a better rate conception (97,13%) when it was used the semen extended in BTS® and storage at 17ºC for 18,39 hours regarding to the semen extended in the glycine-egg yolk and storage at 5ºC in a special container (77,14%). In the studies II and III the semen was submitted to different stabilization time, 2 hours for the extender BTS® and 4 hours for the glycine-egg yolk extended. The sows of all studies were inseminated with doses inseminants containing 3x109 sperm/dose, being the first insemination made 12 hours after the onset of estrus and 12/12 hours for three times. When still in estrus, 24 hours after the third insemination, they received the fourth insemination. The protocol used for cooling of the swine semen at 5ºC, showed viable according to the glycine-egg yolk extender and the maintenance in the container proposed by Roner (2003). Although it was observed the data of the study I (total live) and III (rate conception); so, it´s necessary caution when using frequentely utilization in farms, specially considering the reproductive performance of sows inseminated with semen extended in BTS® and conserved at 17ºC in the three studies (control)